Is Reversing Aging Degenerate?

Since the serialization of Oscar Wilde’s novel “The Picture of Dorian Gray” in the 1890s, the idea of staying forever young while an oil painting grew older was condemned as degenerate. Indeed, several years later Wilde was imprisoned for his alleged degeneracies....

Avoiding A Hospital Bed

My biochemist friend and patient, Bob, phoned me recently. In an urgent voice, he requested an immediate appointment. I was a bit surprised because several times previously he wanted to use only his traditional physician, who was covered by his medical insurance. I...

Aging, muscles and exercise

Dear antiaging fans, here is something for you to consider the next time you pound your Nikes on the pavement. A Copenhagen Health Study followed 5,000 Danes for approximately twelve years (1). Their results showed that Danish high-mileage runners died much more...